Certification Questions
1. Are there any special requirements for the passport photos?
2. Can a one-person business be certified as a firm?
3. Can a supervisor carry out worker activities?
4. Can guest instructors fulfill training requirements for their discipline?
5. Can the supervisor conduct RRP certified workers activities?
6. Certificate length for State or Tribe certification 745.226(a)(1)(ii) submission
7. Certificate lengths of Federal 40 C.F.R. 745.226(a)(1)(i) programs?
8. Did EPA intend to prevent HUD and RRP standards used for wipe samples?
9. Did EPA intend to prevent the use of EPA and HUD standards for soil samples?
10. Did the final TSCA section 403 rule say who may make a hazard determination?
11. Do certificates for lead-based paint abatement bear an expiration date?
12. Do EPA’s rules require reporting crumbling paint during an evaluation?
13. Do I need to be recertified for lead-based paint abatement?
14. Do owners comply with abatement rules if children have elevated blood levels?
15. Do rental property owners need to follow lead abatement rules ?
16. Does supervisor training qualify you to seek certification as a worker?
17. Does TSCA section 402 apply to U.S. military bases, outside of the U.S.?
18. Dust inspections fail, when cleaned again is this lead abatement?
19. Help me find more information or copies of application forms and instructions?
20. How can I get more information about lead paint abatement certification?
21. How do I apply for certification?
22. How do I apply for recertification?
23. I am already certified by EPA authorized state or tribal programs?
24. If accredited instructors teach RRP in states are they accredited federally?
25. If authorized state trainers teach out-of-state, are they federally certified?
26. Is it easy to find RRP refresher courses?
27. Is there (ASTM) standards that document RRP methods?
28. Must all persons present on an abatement job site be certified?
29. Must Federal employees comply with the RRP program, who pays the fees?
30. Must I take a third party certification exam?
31. Must owners comply with work practice standards?
32. My interim certification expired, what should I do?
33. To be certified inspector, risk assessors, or supervisors do I apply to EPA?
34. What accreditation is acceptable for recertification for Federal programs?
35. What are the activities each discipline can perform?
36. What are the education, experience and training requirements for certification?
37. What do I submit to obtain certification from EPA?
38. What happens when the EPA receives my certification application?
39. What is abatement? How do I determine if a particular activity is an abatement?
40. What is the difference between Abatement Certification and RRP Certification?
41. What must I do to be recertified?
42. When can I begin conducting lead-based paint activities?
43. When do I apply for certification?
44. When do I apply for recertification?
45. When do I take refresher training?
46. Where do EPA-accredited abatement course certification allow me to work?