Contaminated Water
1. Are lead action levels in public waters systems different than school systems?
2. Are non-community water systems required to monitor for lead and copper?
3. Can I get my water tested for lead?
4. Can I use hot water from the tap for drinking, cooking, or baby formula?
5. Do fixtures meeting the NSF standard 61 contribute lead to in drinking water?
6. Does boiling water for making formula, increase or decrease lead content?
7. Does boiling water remove lead?
8. Does the Lead Contamination Control Act require schools to test water for lead?
9. Does the Safe Drinking Water Act regulate lead in pipes and plumbing fixtures?
10. How can I tell if my water contains lead?
11. How does lead get into drinking water?
12. How does the lead ban limit lead in the pipes, plumbing fixtures, and flux?
13. How is the lead-ban enforced?
14. Is flushing my tap effective or is buying bottled water better?
15. Is lead contamination from the plumbing affect new homes?
16. Is lead solder sold under the lead ban?
17. Is lead-contaminated drinking water absorbed through the skin a health threat?
18. Is my water system required to provide me lead test results?
19. My neighbour's test found lead in the water, is this safe, are tests reliable?
20. My public water has an odour and slight discoloration is this from lead?
21. My public water system says copper and lead are at the 90th percentile?
22. Public schools and non-transient, non-community water systems lead is high?
23. What did the EPA consider before requiring water systems include lead info.?
24. What home treatments devices remove lead in drinking water?
25. What is meant by, the action level in the drinking water system is too high?
26. What is the Lead Contamination Control Act (LCCA)?
27. What is the water system doing about lead in drinking water?
28. What sampling guidance outlines techniques for testing lead in public systems?
29. When reduced monitoring systems change does monitoring also change?
30. Where can I get more information on lead in drinking water?
31. Why are phosphates added to drinking water and is it a health risk?