Renovator Certification
1. Are state and local government employees who often do renovation work required to be certified?
3. Does there need to be documentation of training provided on-the-job at the work site?
4. How can I find an accredited renovation trainer?
5. How long will my new certification last after taking refresher training course?
6. I am a firm and there are no training providers offering classes near me. What do I do?
7. Is it necessary for schools to be certified renovation firms and workers be certified renovators?
9. May I as a training provider issue a certificate without a picture to a trainee?
10. Must a certified lead abatement professional also become trained and certified to do renovation?
11. Must each contractual worker be a certified renovator, or can the workers be trained on the job?
12. What do I need to do to comply with EPA's lead RRP rule?
14. What training requirements apply to non-certified workers who have previous training experience?